I used to be one of those people who did things ad hoc - then I had a kid. All of a sudden I had limited time to get things done and was so tired that the option of starting a project at 9 p.m. was long gone. I went back to work in January and was feeling slightly overwhelmed with everything that needed to get done in the house. After all, now I only had 2 hours a day to see Fin before she went to bed and to try and pick up all her toys, make lunch for the next day, etc, etc, etc.
Enter Project Organize Your Entire Life.
I won't go into the details here as Modern Parents Messy Kids does a much better job explaining it than I ever could. I can't say that I have followed it to to a tee, but I have tried to incorporate a few of the ideas into our daily life. Having a daily cleaning schedule on the fridge is actually working (mine is WAY shorter than suggested in the project), and it's totally lame but I sure get excited about crossing off that I wiped the counter tops! If you are needing some motivation to organize I highly recommend you check it out.

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