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I am always up for a challenge and a Pinterest challenge is even better! When Katie at Bower Power recently announced the winter edition of the Pinterest Challenge I knew I was up for the task. The general idea is to find something that you love on Pinterest and attempt to make it yourself – then send it out into the world and get huge adoration (see below to find out how it is NOT going to happen in my case!).
I have been oohing and ahhing over this for quite a while:
I am sure if I made this I would win Mother of the Year award and Fin would babble away to all her baby friends on what a fantastic Mom she has and how her play kitchen is the best on the block. The fact that she can’t stand up by herself yet and that to her pots and pans are only musical instruments is totally beside the point. But back to reality – I have about 8 seconds a day to do a project, so there was NO WAY that I was going to ever get this done in the week time frame for the Pinterest Challenge.
I started searching for something else that was equally as exciting and stumbled upon this fabulous cake.
We are having a St. Patty’s Day shindig at work on Friday so I figured it would be perfect for the occasion. And seriously, a rainbow in a cake - how hard could that be? Easy peasy. I decided that we needed to do a test cake before the party just to make sure it would work, and also so that we could have a cake to eat at home. I convinced Justin that this would be fun to do one night after Fin went to bed and thank God he was gung ho.
We started with good ol’ Betty Crocker:
Once the cake mix was all combined we then separated it out into 8 different bowls and colored them each a different color of the rainbow. It wasn’t good from the start. Apparently Wilton food coloring (the fancy ones in the jars) don’t actually last 5+ years once they have been opened. We tried to dig out the food coloring paste with toothpicks but it was so dried up that the toothpicks kept breaking (that should have been our first indication to just stop right there). Thank goodness my brilliant husband came to the rescue and suggested adding super hot water to the little jars. It worked!
This is sort of off topic, but am I the only one who knows about a great guy named ROY G BIV? One of my elementary school teachers taught us to use ROY G BIV to remember the colors of the rainbow. Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet. It works – I never forget the colors. Justin, of course, had never heard of this and thought I had lost it completely. Apparently in Manitoba they don’t teach handy little acronyms.
Anyhow, after all of the batter was colored it was time to start pouring it into the pan (via Ziploc bags). This really shouldn't be that hard of a task but by this time it felt like it was midnight and it was taking all the concentration I had to pour in an even line. I think the batter looked exactly like it was supposed to and I was still hopeful that this would work.
I very gingerly put the cake into the oven being careful to not jostle the rings, set the timer and went downstairs to watch the finale of Top Chef. We figured watching Top Chef would help send good cooking vibes up to our kitchen.
After 40 minutes the cake was cooked and looked pretty good.
Once it was cooled I cut around the bottom of the pan to release it and tried to take it off the mold. This is where it all went awry. The cake didn't just slide right off the pan, oh no, it fell off and broke apart in big chunks all over the top of our stove. Not only was it broken, but the supposed rainbow looked like a tie die project gone bad.
I gathered a few of the pieces up and attempted to make them still look presentable. Maybe once we iced them it would be ok???
This thing was seriously ugly. Now it really was just about midnight so we sat down with two forks to share a piece of ugly cake and then went to bed. Needless to say this is not being repeated to bring to the work party. I’ll just be the loser who has to sneak in on Friday because I didn’t bring anything to the party but still want to sample everyone else’s concoctions!
P.S. I'll also be linking up to the co-host's sites for the Pinterest Challenge.

Oh my god that made me giggle hysterically! Mainly because I'm 100% sure that if I tried this project my cake would look the same, if not worse.
And heck yeah ROY G BIV! Poor Justin and his Manitoba education ;)
and just so you know, I have this cake pinned on my pinterest too, apparently its just going to have to stay pinned!
Too funny. Do they even celebrate St. Patrick's day in UAE?
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